New Years resolution

2017: and a tale of my New Year’s Resolution Word

2017:  and a tale of my New Year’s Resolution Word

Dear friend,

I am not one for New Year’s resolutions per se (although believe me, I want to lose weight, be more grateful, and make new friends, as much as the next person).  But I do like to have a New Year’sWord – kind of like a guiding theme for the year.  Last year, this was my word.  And I think I did a pretty good job.   But it’s time for me to move on and try a new word for 2017.

So my word this year is....

Everywhere: and a tale of my New Year’s Resolution

Everywhere: and a tale of my New Year’s Resolution

It was winter, it was Switzerland, it was cold.  It was a few days ago. And I was standing there almost naked, outside on a dock in the middle of Lake Geneva.  As you might remember from last year, each year I choose a single word to guide me - like a New Year's resolution distilled to its very essence.  The word for 2016 is....