Elle Magazine's Tribal Chic: and a photographic tale of Nuria Nieva

Do you remember the new modern tribe?  Do you remember when I asked you if you wanted to join?  

Well, here's more inspiration from Elle Romania with sublime model Nuria Nieva, photographed by Jesús Alonso.  She couldn't be more beautiful, yes?

Of course the new modern tribe is more than just a look.  It's a state of mind. A place of peace, beauty and coexistence.  I think we can agree that we need that now more than ever.....  

PS: If you liked this blog post, follow my Pinterest boards,  tribal chic, people & cultures that inspire me, modern nomad style, and talismans & tribal jewelry.

PPS  And if you want your home to be fit for the new modern tribe, enjoy free shipping on all items at the Maryam Montague Souk now through Sunday November 28! You can save literally hundreds of dollars on carpets, for example!!!!  Enter Promo Code BlackFriday under Coupons at the Checkout.