Marrakech and my bedroom at Peacock Pavilions: a tale of global style

I like things.  I like things a lot.  My husband thinks I like things too much.

Now, of course, I like pretty things.  But more than that, I like far away things and things not bought on a shelf next to 20 or 30 things just like them.

Oh, you know what I mean.

Here are some of the things in my bedroom in Peacock Pavilions  in Marrakech right now, including some recent purchases from Egypt.


Studded horn bowl, inlaid box with Arabic script from Egypt, vintage portfolio of Moroccan carpet plates, favorite books, ikat, vintage Chinese hand embroidery (a gift from my best friend who is Chinese-American). 


Tin box with vintage Egyptian picture,  vintage ivory globe  (if anyone knows about this piece, please let me know - I purchased it in the Marrakech souk and it is quite possibly French), photography book on the occult in Spain.

Vintage carpet bought in Pakistan on assignment, floor stenciled with Skylar's lace, black wicker chair, cushion screen printed with an Egyptian image.


Vintage roll of wide paper tape from Tibet covered with print,  Islamic prayer stone procured in Afghanistan on asignment, part of a wire bust from South Africa.


 Vintage Japanese red laquer bowl, leather entomology notebook from Natural History (I bought all 4 -- really lovely.)

BR6Dip dyed and beaded maxi dress from French brand, Sinequanone, hanging from a blue door.  (Intriguing magical fact: Blue fights the evil eye. )


In other news, Peacock Pavilions is now on Twitter!  (Feeling oh so professional.) Check it out here

(Meanwhile I'm on Twitter right here if you'd like to meet up with me in the twittersphere!)

Also, Peacock Pavilions is now on Facebook! (Eeek, excited!)  Would love/love/love it if you would fan us here.

Photographer Leslie Shewring of that gorgeous blog, A Creative Mint (and an associate of Holly's) did a most beauteous post on Peacock Pavilions.  Dreamy.